📢 The EWR has been stood down and emergency sheltering spaces are CLOSED. Thank you to all our volunteers for your help! 📢

Our Events

Coldest Night of the Year Burnaby

The Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) is a family-friendly charity walk that takes place during February each year when tens of thousands of Canadians step outside the warmth and comfort of home to shine a light of welcome and compassion in their communities. The third week of February statistically is the coldest night of a Canadian winter and this night is chosen for the walk as awareness for those who do not have a place out of the cold of a Canadian winter. Remarkably, the Coldest Night of the Year has raised over $56,000,000 in 166 communities across Canada since it began in 2011 (learn more about the history of event on the CNOY official website). The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby has been a participant of CNOY since 2017.

CNOY Burnaby is hosted jointly by The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby and Burnaby Community Services to raise money for our programs serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. CNOY is our largest annual fundraiser that provides us the financial support required to maintain and operate all of our programs and services throughout the year.  

See our official CNOY Burnaby page here.

Summer Outreach BBQ

Every July, we host a summer bbq at our flagship Thursday Outreach Resource Centre to give our guests a festive summer event to attend. Local community partners help us set up a bbq grill onsite to serve a freshly grilled bbq lunch to our guests, as well as provide additional services to our outreach.

Homelessness Action Week

Each year in mid-October, we join communities and organizations throughout the region to mark Homelessness Action Week (HAW). HAW is an annual event which focuses on bringing public awareness and understanding to the issue of homelessness in the Greater Vancouver region. During HAW week each year, we host a Homeless Connect event at our Thursday Outreach to provide additional support and services to our guests, as well as raising awareness for homelessness in Burnaby.

Outreach Christmas

Every December, our Thursday Outreach Resource Centres hosts a Christmas celebration for our guests, inviting community partners to join us in giving our most vulnerable neighbours a chance to get into the Christmas spirit. Guests have a chance to meet and take photos with Santa, get a pancake breakfast cooked and served onsite by our volunteers, receive christmas gifts (donated to us by local community partners), as well as receive additional support and services for their needs. 

Get Involved!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, donor, or local community partner for any of our annual events, please get in touch with us at info@burnabyhomeless.org

Services We Offer

Outreach Resource Centres

A "One-Stop Shop" of services for our vulnerable neighbours so they can easily access basic life necessities and resources for social aid in one convenient location. Our 2 locations operate weekly Wednesday and Thursday in Burnaby.

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Burnaby Neighbouhood Pantry

Run in partnership with The Neighbourhood Church the Neighbourhood Pantry is a safe, non-judgemental space where our community’s most vulnerable can receive essential grocery items with dignity. We operate weekly besides cheque issue week.

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Mobile Shower Program

We offer our guests biweekly access to the basic necessity of a hot shower in an effort to combat the negative stigma of poor hygiene amongst those experiencing homelessness. Guests are provided with fresh towels, clothing, and hygiene supplies.

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Extreme Weather Response

EWR makes safe spaces available when the weather is severe enough to pose a higher health risk to people who experience homelessness. It operates during times of extreme heat or cold. These collaborative initiatives bring the wider community together to reduce the harm to the most vulnerable. Our cold weather service provider is Lookout Housing and Health Society.

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