📢 EWR is OPEN starting Jan. 11 until further notice 📢 📍The Neighbourhood Church (7135 Walker Ave, Burnaby) 8:30 pm to 8:00 am | ☎️ 778-384-6486 (only during shelter hours)

The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby

Helping to give everyone in our community A Place to Come Home To
Volunteer with us!

A Snapshot of Homelessness in Burnaby

In the 2020 Metro Vancouver Homeless Count which took place just before the pandemic lockdown in March 2020, there were 124 homeless individuals counted in the City of Burnaby - up 80% from 69 in 2017. The following Homeless Count in 2023 counted 209 individuals who identified as homeless in the City of Burnaby - a 69% increase from 2020. In 2019, Burnaby opened its first year-round shelter and several warming centres, which allowed volunteers to identify and count individuals experiencing homelessness who otherwise may have remained hidden. We have seen an increase in the number of individuals experiencing and/or at risk of homelessness since the pandemic began and expect this number to increase in the next Homeless Count.

Homelessness is an ongoing issue in Burnaby - The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby strives to advocate for these individuals through collaboration with other organizations within our community and through providing resources and services to these individuals in need.

Our Story

The Task Force To End Homelessness in Burnaby

The Task Force To End Homelessness in Burnaby, formed in 2005, has worked to ensure the provision of housing, support services and adequate income for Burnaby residents who are without housing or at risk of homelessness. The Task Force is comprised of a wide diversity of membership including all levels of government, the health authority, social service agencies, business, faith communities, and concerned citizens. The Task Force is committed to working with a collaborative, non-partisan approach, recognizing that ending homelessness will require action and support by everyone, including government, health, service and housing agencies, business, residents, and those who experience homelessness.

The Task Force membership includes individuals and organizations that have demonstrated expertise in successfully designing services and housing that are effective in ending people’s homelessness, and are recognized as providers of short-term, transitional and permanent housing specifically to meet the needs of people living homeless and those at high risk of homelessness.

The Task Force is looking for new members to help develop strategies that lead to our goals of reducing and ending homelessness. For more information please email us at info@burnabyhomeless.org.

The Society To End Homelessness In Burnaby

In March 2, 2017 The Task Force To End Homelessness in Burnaby formed the charitable, non-profit The Society To End Homelessness In Burnaby to build sustainability for the Task Force and its activities. The Society holds the fiduciary responsibilities for the Task Force and works within a delegated authority system to enable the Task Force to continue its leadership in collaborative planning on homelessness.

What We Do

The Society to End Homelessness In Burnaby is committed to working with all levels of government, the health authority, social service agencies and other non profit organizations, businesses, faith communities, and concerned citizens to ensure the provision of housing, support services and adequate income for Burnaby residents who are unsheltered or at risk of homelessness in Burnaby.

Our Mission

The purposes of the Society are:
  • To identify and address issues of homelessness in Burnaby for the benefit of the community as a whole;
  • To foster coordinated and collaborative services to anyone who is homeless in Burnaby;
  • To increase community awareness of homelessness in Burnaby and support the finding of solutions;
  • To provide support services for people who are homeless;
  • To promote and design housing solutions for people living in poverty; and
  • To strive towards adequate income and the relief of poverty for all people through assisting people to access financial services and adequate support

Our History

  • 2001
  • 2002
  • 2003-2004
  • 2004
  • 2005
  • 2006
  • 2006
  • 2017
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2020
  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022 - January
  • 2022 - April
  • 2022 - September

Our Success Stories

  • “Well, what it’s done for me is build a bridge to normalcy so I could see, engage, and experience dealing with healthy people - the environment is totally different. When you leave that kind of world it’s really scary, because now you’re now dealing with people in an environment you’re not completely familiar with. One of our main objectives of staying sober and clean and being well is helping others - it’s made a huge difference in our program.”
    Burnaby Community Action Team
  • “Doing service for those in need at the Outreach Centre keeps me sober.”
    Burnaby Community Action Team

More about Us

Our News

The Society in the Media: Read what we’ve been up to recently!

Annual Reports

Visit the The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby AGM reports archive.

Our Board

Meet our current Board Members

Our Events

The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby holds 4 annual events throughout the year.

Services We Offer

Outreach Resource Centres

A "One-Stop Shop" of services for our vulnerable neighbours so they can easily access basic life necessities and resources for social aid in one convenient location. Our 2 locations operate weekly Wednesday and Thursday in Burnaby.

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Burnaby Neighbourhood Pantry

Run in partnership with The Neighbourhood Church the Neighbourhood Pantry is a safe, non-judgemental space where our community’s most vulnerable can receive essential grocery items with dignity. We operate biweekly besides cheque issue week.

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Mobile Shower Program

We offer our guests biweekly access to the basic necessity of a hot shower in an effort to combat the negative stigma of poor hygiene amongst those experiencing homelessness. Guests are provided with fresh towels, clothing, and hygiene supplies.

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Extreme Weather Response

EWR makes safe spaces available when the weather is severe enough to pose a higher health risk to people who experience homelessness. It operates during times of extreme heat or cold. These collaborative initiatives bring the wider community together to reduce the harm to the most vulnerable. Our cold weather service provider is Lookout Housing and Health Society.

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