📢 The EWR has been stood down and emergency sheltering spaces are CLOSED. Thank you to all our volunteers for your help! 📢

Volunteer with Us!

Our Community relies on Volunteers like you!

We need support in a wide variety of roles which are provided by community members like you!
The Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby is operated and maintained by volunteers who enable us to keep our services available to our guests. Our governance is by a volunteer board of directors.

Volunteers attend summer festivals and special events to raise awareness and educate the public about the important issues of poverty and homelessness and what can be done to work towards reducing and ending homelessness in Burnaby.

We also rely on volunteers to help us operate our weekly services: Outreach Resource Centres, Mobile Shower Program, the Burnaby Neighbourhood Pantry (together with The Neighbourhood Church), our annual fundraiser Coldest Night of the Year, the Extreme Weather Responses (summer/winter). Volunteers operate our annual fundraiser Coldest Night of the Year, and special service events such as Homelessness Action Week, Christmas and Summer Outreach and more.

Become a part of a team of passionate, dedicated volunteers who want to make a difference in our community. Training is provided!

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out the volunteer application form below:

I want to Volunteer!

Apply to Volunteer


Is it dangerous?
No! We always try our very best to ensure that the environment will be as safe as possible for our volunteers and guests. Volunteers are supported by more experienced volunteers who have worked many years with vulnerable populations. Volunteers are trained, including in conflict resolution methods.
How do I sign up?

You can apply to volunteer with us by filling out our Volunteer Application form here

Do I need to have any experience working with homeless people in order to volunteer?

No! Anyone who is interested is welcome to come volunteer with us. You will receive training and orientation to tasks you take on.  However, we do require that all new volunteers submit a criminal record check before starting their volunteer work with us.

How much time do I need to commit to volunteering?

Usually volunteer shifts can range from short (1 hr) tasks like unloading and transporting supplies, to longer shifts (2-3 hours) like helping out at one of our Outreach Resource Centres or Food Hub sessions. We welcome any time and ability you can commit to our organization.

Will I get training?

We will provide all the necessary training and tools for you to complete your tasks.

What times during the week do you need volunteers? Will there be weekend and weekday times?

We mostly need volunteers during weekday hours when our Outreach Resource Centres are open or any evenings during Extreme Weather cold events. There is occasional need for volunteers on weekends during the summer or Extreme Weather heat events.

For the most up to date list of volunteer times needed, please refer to our Volunteer Application Form (link: https://forms.gle/cyDsthvxRXE8PegQ7)

Services We Offer

Outreach Resource Centres

A "One-Stop Shop" of services for our vulnerable neighbours so they can easily access basic life necessities and resources for social aid in one convenient location. Our 2 locations operate weekly Wednesday and Thursday in Burnaby.

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Burnaby Neighbouhood Pantry

Run in partnership with The Neighbourhood Church the Neighbourhood Pantry is a safe, non-judgemental space where our community’s most vulnerable can receive essential grocery items with dignity. We operate weekly besides cheque issue week.

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Mobile Shower Program

We offer our guests biweekly access to the basic necessity of a hot shower in an effort to combat the negative stigma of poor hygiene amongst those experiencing homelessness. Guests are provided with fresh towels, clothing, and hygiene supplies.

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Extreme Weather Response

EWR makes safe spaces available when the weather is severe enough to pose a higher health risk to people who experience homelessness. It operates during times of extreme heat or cold. These collaborative initiatives bring the wider community together to reduce the harm to the most vulnerable. Our cold weather service provider is Lookout Housing and Health Society.

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